
Wastewater Plant Information

Wastewater –

The City of Corning operates their wastewater facility located at 101 Loomis Ave. We are physically located at the southwest edge of Corning, Iowa. Our Iowa NPDES Permit number is: 0220001. Our EPA number is: IA002735. This is a Grade 3 activated sludge plant.

Our receiving stream is the East Nodaway River. This stream is a Class B (LR) waters which is a limited resource warm waters in which flow or other physical characterists limit the ability of the water to maintain a balance warm water community. Such waters support only populations composed of species able to survive and reproduce in a wide range of physical and chemical conditions, and are not generally harvested for human consumption.

In 2004 a 3.1 million dollar upgrade was completed. This upgrade included numerous improvements. The upgrade goals were as follows: site grading to elevate to the 100 year flood elevation, elevation of our discharge to insure discharge during high river water levels, addition of a 3.25 million gallon storm basin and associated pump station to ensure treatment of large rain events which eliminated any storm relating bypassing, addition of a new screening building and a rotary screen, standby self generator, construction of an Aeromod activated package treatment plant, SCADA controls. The balance of the improvement loan was paid off in 2019.

This facility is staffed by (2) employees. Carl Goodson, 33 year employee with a grade 3 license and Nick Mullen, currently with a grade 1 license.

In 2006 with the addition of Poet Biorefinery improvements were completed at our facility which includes the addition of a basin for our effluent which is pumped to the biorefinery for use in their cooling towers. At that time a UV system was installed for E. coli reduction and an associated pump station to transport our effluent to the holding basin.

The City of Corning collection system consists of 30 miles of gravity and force mains. We are responsible for (4) pump stations. They are located at the following locations: 7th & John Street, 4th & Quincy, Spring Lake subdivision, and the Industrial Park. Our wastewater is collected from Poet Biorefinery, Lake Icaria, Edge Ag Facility, Adams County Secondary Roads building, Corning Hotel, as well as property located both inside and outside of the City limits. We also have contracts with Cass, Decatur, Montgomery, Ringgold, Union and Wayne counties for acceptance of their leachate . We accept septic waste from (3) septic haulers serving Adams, Union, Taylor, Montgomery, Adair, and Decatur counties.

The treatment facility operates an Iowa Certified wastewater lab, IALab # 246. We are certified in the basic wastewater group. Simple Nutrients (ammonia), Harness (TSS), and Demand (BOD) and (CBOD).

Beginning in 2020, with the help of Gorden & Associates Engineering Firm, the city of Corning will begin an Inflow and Infiltration study on our collection system. This study will consist of GIS mapping, Smoke Testing and an Improvement Plan. This study will be partially paid for by a USDA grant.

Facility Design –

Dry weather – 0.543 MGD

Peak hourly 1.500 MGD

BOD Loading – 693 lbs. / day

TSS Loading – 734 lbs. / day

Ammonia – 113 lbs. / day

As of now we are operating at 38% of capacity

Carl Goodson,

WW Supt.